New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame

25 Kiwi Champions

ISBN: 978-1-86966-422-0
RRP: $24.99
Number of pages: 64
PublisherNew Holland Publishers
Author: Maria Gill
Illustrator: Marco Ivancic

Teacher Resource

Teachers' resources & links

New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame

25 Kiwi Champions

Lots of NZ sports people are WORLD champions, superstars of their time, men and women famous for their strength, speed, agility, endurance and their capacity to win!

Meet 25 sporting heroes and discover what it is that makes them succeed. Join Maria Gill as she relates the stories, outlines the training programmes and details personal milestones. Stars of rugby, netball, soccer, cricket, hockey and league feature here, along with outstanding track and athletes, a swimmer, equestrian eventer, and sailors.

Marco Ivancic’s remarkable illustrations capture the winning style of each sports person.

The original New Zealand Hall of Fame won the Children’s Choice Award for non-fiction at the 2012 New Zealand Post Book Awards, was shortlisted for the LIANZA library awards and was a 2012 Storylines Notable Book.

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In recent years New Holland have made a focused effort to publish high-interest non-fiction for young New Zealanders. Their latest title is a testament to their commitment to producing texts that are affordable and of high quality… Read More
Reviewed by Julie Harper in Magpie Magazine, May 2011

A new children’s book highlighting some of the nation’s most famous Kiwis features Gisborne artists and leaders with East Coast connections … Read More
Reviewed by Alice Te Puni in Gisborne Herald, May 2011

Each person has a double page spread devoted to them, which includes a passport listing, comic strips, a trophy board, diary entries and general biographical information … Read More
Reviewed by Crissi Blair in New Zealand Herald, July 2011

ISBN: 978-1-86966-422-0
RRP: $24.99
Number of pages: 64
PublisherNew Holland Publishers
Author: Maria Gill
Illustrator: Marco Ivancic

Teacher Resource

Teachers' resources & links

Journal notes

I had always intended New Zealand Hall of Fame would be part of a series. It was a no-brainer that the next book would be a sport book. Librarians and judges had been asking for a few years – Where were the sport books? I aim to please …

Once again, I had real difficulty choosing who should be in the book. I couldn’t decide between Richie McCaw and Dan Carter so I asked friends, fans and family on Facebook who they wanted. You’ll have to read the book to find out who. Some felt (rather vehemently) that I should have both but I was determined to have one sportsperson from many sports. That said … I did end up with two entries for sailing; big boat and small boat. I also have two from rugby league but one also represented New Zealand in Union, Touch and Softball!!!

Some of the sports people are just starting out but have already won significant medals, some are at the peak of their career, and some have long-since retired. Whatever sport you enjoy, you’re bound to find it represented.

Bruce Potter was not available to illustrate the book. When the publisher asked who I would recommend. I immediately thought of Marco Ivancic. He had illustrated an article I had written (for a Travel Writing paper) for Massey University’s magazine. I later befriended him on Facebook and saw more of his artwork, he is exceptionally talented. Luckily he was available and his artwork surpassed our expectations.

We have an added extra in the book this time. Wave your smart-phone or device over each page and the q-code will take you directly to a website or video about the sport star. Isn’t technology wonderful!

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