The Last of Maui’s Dolphins

Teachers' resources & links
- Teaching resource: The Last of Maui's Dolphin
- Maui's dolphin: An inquiry to Action Teaching Resource
- Meet the illustrator Bruce Potter
- TVNZ - Meet the local - Hector's dolphins
- Hector's dolphin videos
- WWF video about Maui's dolphins
- Stuff - Rare encounter with Maui's dolphins
- Maui's Dolphin Origami (PDF)
- Amazon Australia
The Last of Maui’s Dolphins
Hiriwa has lost his three friends.
Have they been caught by the dark shapes?
Can he save them in time?
Come on an underwater adventure with Hiriwa a young Maui’s dolphin and his three friends: Spotty the snapper, Squiggles the octopus and Puru the Blue penguin.
On the last page find out why Maui’s dolphins are so endangered, who their close relative is in the South Island, and what you can do to help them.
Illustrator Bruce Potter has illustrated over 100 children’s books including Witi Ihimaera’s picture book story ‘The Whale Rider‘. Bruce also collaborated with Maria Gill on two other books: New Zealand Hall of Fame: 50 Remarkable Kiwis and Operation Nest Egg Chick.
Watch the trailer
Teachers' resources & links
- Teaching resource: The Last of Maui's Dolphin
- Maui's dolphin: An inquiry to Action Teaching Resource
- Meet the illustrator Bruce Potter
- TVNZ - Meet the local - Hector's dolphins
- Hector's dolphin videos
- WWF video about Maui's dolphins
- Stuff - Rare encounter with Maui's dolphins
- Maui's Dolphin Origami (PDF)
- Amazon Australia