New Zealand’s Endangered Dolphins
Around New Zealand waters are the smallest and most endangered dolphins in the world. Find out about the North Island New Zealand dolphin (popoto or Māui dolphin) and South Island New Zealand dolphin (pahu or Hector’s dolphin) from award-winning writer Maria Gill, and illustrator Marco Ivancic.
Learn more about these playful, intelligent and beautiful mammals and how marine sanctuaries are helping to protect them.
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Family of Sick Dolphins (Pages 12-13)

Whenever I review a nonfiction book I compare the information and arrangement of information with online sources to see which is better in terms of subject matter and age appropriateness. In this picture book about two endangered New Zealand dolphins – popoto (Māui) and pahu (Hector’s) – this book wins hands down… Marco Ivancic’s diagrams, photographs, maps and illustrations enhance the excellent information and easy text of Maria Gill. An award-winning nonfiction book if I ever saw one.
Read more… Bobs Book Blog [