Welcome to Maria’s World of Books
I write children’s books, educational resources and freelance articles. Some of my titles include: award-winning Anzac Heroes, Anzac Animals, Abel Tasman: Mapping the Southern Lands, and Toroa’s Journey plus many other books including my latest books The King’s Medal, Remarkable Animal Stories from New Zealand and Australia, and New Zealand Disasters. Click the ‘Books‘ link above to discover more.
You can buy my books from your local bookstore or purchase them from me. Click HERE now to see availability and prices.
I also give author talks and workshops to students and teachers.
You can read Lorraine Orman, Melinda Szymanik, Vanessa Hatley Owen, Heather Haylock and my KidsBooksNZ blog to read reviews on New Zealand children’s books or the Facebook page KidsBooksNZ.
Catch up on my latest news on my blog MariaGillnz.
Margaret Mahy Medal
Storylines awarded Maria Gill the 2020 Margaret Mahy Medal for services to children’s literature.
You can read more about the award here, and watch Maria’s speech in the accompanying video.
ANZAC exhibitions
I’ve organised two ANZAC exhibitions to showcase literature related to the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps over the last century.
The first – What Lies Beneath – toured New Zealand libraries in 2016; the second – ANZAC Stories: Behind the Pages – was held at the Canberra Central Library in Australia in 2018.